I've been in America now for a little over a week. I can't believe it. Leaving Fiji was pretty hard. Actually, it was really hard. Saying goodbye to people who you've grown to love dearly and to a culture that you've come to adopt as your own is no easy task. But after days of travel, I was looking forward to sleeping in my own bed in ohio.
Being home has been

so good. Since flying into Columbus, I've been amazed at how much stuff is here. So many buildings. So many lights. Walking around in Honolulu during our layover was a snap back into american reality, with so many stores and so much stuff everywhere. Expensive, shiny things. Mostly unnecessary things. But we did get some last minute sunbathing on the beach in during our 12-hour layover in Hawaii.

After 50 hours of busses, planes, and cars, we were exhausted. Rob was really tired. He took a nap in the airport when we found out that our flight from Newark to Indianapolis was delayed.
I've loved getting to actually watch my fantasy football players play. I don't even shower every day because I don't sweat continuously. The adjustment from having 2 stations on the television to 700 can be overwhelming. Americans are way meaner than Fijians. I went to walmart the other day and forgot my wallet at home. I thought it was funny but the checkout lady was not amused. :( On a brighter note, Both of my sisters are finally home from university (all three eberle girls in one house makes for a loud, loud norwalk)!

When I got home, I was greeted the next day by some colorful daises from the one and only jenn king :) She also sent cookies, but they were gone before I could get any pictures.

I also got to meet my niece, kieran renee! She is so so so cute, with bright red hair and big blue eyes. She doesn't like me much yet, but I'm pretty sure the more she gets to know how cool I am, the more she'll actually let me hold her without screaming. I taught her how to cook for thanksgiving.

yesterday I went to a bookstore and drank a caramel apple latte (I get to celebrate autumn after all!). And I read some books. I found a book called Cold Tangerines. Any book that makes me cry in the first two of three chapters is a keeper. So I came home and bought it on half.com for 3 bucks, NBD. I also set out to discover what donald miller really believes about life and god.
happy thanksgiving!
Welcome Home, Kori!! And yes, Cold Tangerines is amazing!! Her other book is pretty good too (Bitterwseet). Would love to catch up sometime!