today I read psalm 23. and I was shocked. I shall not want? I don't think I've ever thought about it. I've been wanting a lot lately. Not bad things, just things I don't have. but I read it and read it and read it and read it some more because I don't think I quite get it. God's a shepherd. He's my shepherd. He's my good shepherd. So I won't be wanting.

jesus tells us like a million times that he's a good shepherd. He either thinks we're really stupid or it's just really important. I never think of God as my shepherd because, to be frank, I don't know anything about sheep or shepherds. I'm sure it was a strong metaphor in the days of david, but I have to sit and ponder a bit for it to have any bearing on my real life. but I'm willing because I actually think it's a pretty big deal. It's a big deal because he takes care of me. He knows what's best and will lead me into righteousness. He restores my soul. So when I want what I don't have, I like thinking about god being a shepherd and me not wanting. I can't help but think that he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Then I feel completely ridiculous for making idols and worshiping created things rather than the creator.
that's true, I've read that passage like a hundred times before and I haven't actually thought of "I shall not want" i guess that passage has becum like a cliche, but really... what is he really meaning, "I shall not want" ? ? I don't get it either
ReplyDelete"jesus tells us like a million times that he's a good shepherd. He either thinks we're really stupid or it's just really important"
ReplyDeleteLol! -classic Kori :)
But ya know what... I'm at Tappoo City today & there's like soo many pretty dresses and tops and just clothes... & they just look so pretty, and then this slight feeling of want came over me, then I remembered this blog of yours, and said out loud, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" & my friend just giggles, but that was so cool cos then, when I declared that scripture, I just felt such satisfaction and gratitude within me, that the Lord has blessed me with so much already & I genuinely stopped wanting all those pretty material things :)
Thank you Kori!