there's a TON happening in fiji right now.
+ a group of 23 americans are here for five weeks. university students (mostly from miami u.) here helping us with ministry for their "summer project" with crusade. we're so thankful they're here and i'm excited to get to know some of the girls better! 12 college girls, 5 college guys, and 6 staff members.

+ First semester classes are wrapping up at USP, and with the summer project team here for the next month or so, we're branching out to Fiji National University (FNU). We'll continue ministry at USP, but we're excited to see what the lord has in store for students at FNU.
+ the excitement level of this week was made significantly higher by the celebration of Brian and Rob's birthdays!!!! Brian's birthday (monday), we went to a chinese restaurant for supper and then came home for dessert and Harry Potter #5. Wednesday we celebrated Rob's birthday with lasagna (YUMMMMMMM), apple pie, and some of rob's favorite games. Tuesday involved a mid-birthday treat: fruit pizza. best food week ever? yup.

+ After 5 1/2 months in fiji, my umbrella has become kind of like my underwear, i hardly ever leave the house without. today, however, I went in town, sans umbrella. my frugal side got the best of me, and i refused to pay for the short taxi ride home. as a result, i was drenched when i got home. unfortunately, you can't really tell the color difference of my clothing because it was ALL wet. Nonetheless, sammy, our guard, took a picture of me. i laughed most of the way home. i suppose everything here wouldn't be so beautifully green without all the rain.

+ today we bought our plane tickets to the conference in New Zealand in July! So excited!
lots more to come!
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