This week, we have very special visitors from a little utopia I like to call Oxford, Ohio! There's a group of ten Miami students + Miami Crusade staff who came all the way to Fiji to spend their spring break at USP telling students about a relationship with God! We're sooo thankful for their willingness to give us a huge boost in ministry. They've been here for less than 12 hours, but already it's been really refreshing to see some familiar faces and interact with other whities (who aren't kiwis or aussies)! Not only are we excited for their help in ministry, but they also came bearing TONS of reese's cups and some gifts from parents :) So far, we've successfully convinced the newbies that:1. In the presence of Koli (the super cool national director of Crusade in Fiji), it's expected for men to tuck in their shirts out of respect. 2. In order to board a bus, it's necessary to show the bus driver your passport. (neither of which are true)
Also, today we celebrated the end of daylight savings time. So since it's summer here, we actually got to set our clocks BACK- giving us a whole extra hour of sleep last night!!! But if you live in the northern hemisphere, don't forget to spring your clocks forward next weekend. Everything is backward on this side of the world. it's even true what they say- the toilet bowl water really does swirl the other direction (but not really).Stay tuned for sweet stories from the MU spring break week and other fabricated cultural norms!+ please be praying that the Lord would use the miami team in incredible ways this week!p.s. today i've been loving psalms 23 & 73- check them out :)