One of the best talks was given on the story in Luke 18 about the rich ruler. But it wasn't focused on the rich ruler, the focus was on Jesus' disciple, Peter. In verse 25 Jesus declares "for it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God" to which Peter responds, "See, we have left our homes and followed you. " The speaker explained that Peter was simply asking Jesus "is everything enough? We've given up everything, is that enough?" This passage was hard to hear because throughout the past few months, I've been far too focused on what I'll be leaving back in the states: my family, my friends, job opportunities, etc. When instead of asking the Lord "how many more weddings do I have to miss next summer? " I should be asking "is it enough to leave all this, or do you want more?" My prayer is that the Lord will give me a heart of sacrifice, that I would be able to ask "Lord, is everything enough?"

It was so great to see my team members last week. It was the first time we've seen each other since the end of school in may, and probably the last time we'll be united until we leave in December. I can't wait to serve with them next year!
Psalm 139: 16- "all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." I read this verse today and was so comforted. Before I was even born, God knew exactly where I would be today, who I'd be meeting with tomorrow, and that I'd be going to Fiji in December. What a reassuring thought!
I'm currently at 38%! I'm at 61% of my one-time goal and 31% of my monthly goal! And two of the seven of us have already reached full support! It's so exciting!